14 August 2015

Melanin And Afrikan Physiology

The science of Afrikan biochemistry is based on the melanin biochemical molecule. Melanin is found not only in the skin, hair, and eyes, but it is also contained in many other vital organs of the body as well. It is in the nervous system, the spinal cord, the glands, the brain, the DNA, the muscles, intestines, heart and liver. Its presence can be found throughout nature and is also found in many of our foods, such as plants, seeds, fruits, and vegetables. It is found in animals, in the soil, in the bark of trees, rivers, streams, and seas.
Melanin in its most concentrated form is black. It is black because its chemical structure will not allow any energy to escape once that energy has come in contact with it. Melanin is a very old, extremely stable, biochemical polymer composed of smaller chemical species in varying amounts, e.g. tyrosine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, serotonin, melantonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine also called adrenaline. It responds to and absorbs light, sound, and electrical energy and uses this energy in the body as food. Melanin can convert light energy into sound energy and back again. It has semiconductive properties outside the body. This means that it behaves like a conductor at times and may conduct electricity. It also behaves like an insulator in that it will not allow electrical current to pass through its structure, similar to rubber and plastic insulators. Melanin can bind and release many of the known elements that are essential for proper body metabolism. It can also produce or neutralize radiation or free radicals (antioxidant effect) and is generally present at the site of tissue repair, regeneration of cuts and wounds, and infectious diseases.
Melanin in the human body is synonymous with chlorophyll in plants. Chlorophyll functions as a converter of solar energy and is essential for maintaining the vitality of the plant. Thus, no flora without chlorophyll exists on this planet. White leaves do not exist. Green pigment chlorophyll is necessary for all vegetation. Melanin, on the other hand, is a converter of physical energy. It is responsible for manufacturing and sustaining human life and it keeps the Black human in constant contact with the natural, radiant energies of the Universe.
Melanin is important for proper human physiology. On the molecular level the electrons in melanin molecules orbit and rearrange themselves. They undergo what is called resonance. This rearrangement of electrons causes certain energy shifts in the body. This energy is then used in metabolism and cellular organization. Melanin depends on nitrilosides to keep itself clean. When we eat synthetic or overcooked foods, we don't get enough B vitamins and a lot of toxins are not removed. When melanin becomes toxic, it adversely affects the biochemistry such that the individual becomes susceptible to a host of diseases. As melanin becomes toxic, it is blocked from making the energy changes that are needed and this can result in dysfunction and disease.
According to Dr. Laila Afrika, “Blacks have specific nutritional and dietary needs. These nutritional needs arise because we have specific bodily differences as compared to other races and cultures. For example, over 70percent of Black people (worldwide) cannot digest cattle milk. In addition, the intestinal florae (bacteria, virus, fungus and yeast) that naturally live in Black people’s intestines are unique to Blacks. "Subsequently, Blacks assimilate food in the intestines differently. Also, despite centuries of living in countries outside of Afrika, their intestinal florae are the same as it was in their ancestor’s stomachs 2,000 years ago. Melanin (black colour pigment) is obviously most abundant in Blacks. This melanin aids in protecting Blacks, from the ultraviolet rays of the sun. It also increases the speed of nerve and brain messages which are transmitted between the left and right hemispheres of the brain and all signals transmitted throughout the bodily nerve network. Black people’s blood crystallizes differently from white people’s blood. These are some of the many reasons why Blacks have unique nutritional, medical, and dietary needs.â€
In the past, melanin was considered by “western scientists†to be a waste product of body metabolism and served no useful function within the body. Recently however, scientists have discovered that melanin is a refined, complex, multifunctional chemical that has a wide variety of important functions within the human body and in the environment. All aspects of our lives are centrally involved and controlled by melanin. One property exhibited by melanin, which is critically important to the well being of the Afrikan, is its ability to combine or chemically react with various drugs and chemicals. Melanin is a storehouse of neurotransmitters (brain signals) and releases them into the body when other sources are depleted. Toxic drugs and chemicals such as pesticides, food additives, recreational drugs and pharmaceuticals can alter and change melanin’s chemical structure, its electrical charge and electronic configuration thus altering many life-supporting activities. Therefore, it is important that we keep all melanin centres and organs functioning properly for good mental and physical healt
Melanin is a brown or black substance which is naturally found in the skin of Africans and people of color. This is the chemical that makes a person appear black. Although all humans regardless of race contain some levels of melanin in their bodies, it is highly concentrated in blacks. Melanin is not only found in the skin, but on other parts of the body as well, such as the hair and eyes. Melanin is also found in the (12) brain centers which energizes the body. Melanin is also contained in the nervous system, the genes, the intestines, the muscles, heart, kidneys, the liver, and in every major organ of the body.
Light-energy has a different effect on black bodies than it does on whites, or non-melanized people. This fact plays an important part, in the significance of treating Africans with the science of Photo-biogenics. Black chemistry research has discovered that melanin reflects the entire electro-magnetic spectrum which is composed of cosmic-rays, gamma-rays, micro-rays, x-rays, ultraviolet rays, infrared rays, light rays, and radio rays. These waves exist naturally throughout the universe and the length and size of the waves vary tremendously from the most minute to the extreme of several miles. The visible spectrum of white light only represents a small section of the full electro-magnetic spectrum, but the total spectrum which includes white light is black light, and melanin is the solid form of this total spectrum of black light. Thus, our bodies reflect the total electro-magnetic spectrum.
The ancient Egyptians realizing this, treated and nourished the human body with "Radiant Principles." According to the Book of Coming Forth by Day, "In the most hidden parts of man dwells his own reality, his eternal being, his real self. This hidden spiritual nature is Ra."
The ultimate goal of Photo-biogenics (the study of how light affects black bio-chemistry) is the understanding of self, and the relationship between the life-force (Ra) and our spiritual nature, which cannot be attained as long as our eating habits are guided by irrationality.
Melanin is an important Key to Human Survival, and the only reason why JAH made Black people black, therefore it is a Blessing and can never be a curse. The truth about Melanin is up to now a closely kept secret, for Melanin is Blackness itself, that is to say, the single chemical responsible for colouring the skin pigments in black people, melanin is the human's only protection from the natural rays of the sun. It also possesses the unique ability to absorb various energy sources and convert these absorbed energies in to re-usable energy, this includes mediums such as; Music vibration and sound waves, the sun rays, sun heat, light rays etc.

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