15 August 2015

Control Your Anxiety Before It Controls You

Whenever anxiety arises, stop yourself, maybe sit down or lay down on your bed, just relax yourself and release all the tension you have in your body, your muscles, relax your jaw. Honestly ask yourself, because when the negative feelings have arisen you have to think greater than you feel. So in a state of doing that, you calmly ask yourself; "Okay, so I feel anxiety now, the same anxiety that comes along everyday or every other day. What would I have to believe is true about myself in relation to what’s going on right now in order to perpetuate this feeling that I do not prefer to experience?"
Go into the feeling; acknowledge that it is there and that you are feeling it. Own it; tell yourself “okay this is what I am experiencing right now, and its okay.” You can’t change something you are in denial of, so acceptance of this first is the key to this process. When you do root out those definitions and see how illogical it is to think and feel and believe this way, realize deeply that you inherited them from the minds of other people in your society. Once you do, use your imagination to conjure up something you prefer to believe in instead, and then embody the feeling which would be generated if you were to believe this way. It’s so important to embody the new feeling you prefer and not wallow in the memorized one. When your feelings have changed, you have done it! You now know how to redefine a circumstance and are on your way to self-mastery. It doesn't mean you won’t fall for the same negative belief again, it may come back again and again, but the more you change it consciously, the less power it will have over you. Enjoy the process of cutting down those roots that have grown within the garden of your mind, because it is indeed one of the most exciting things you can do. Plant new seeds of joy, inner peace, love for all that is and compassion within the fertile soil of your consciousness and watch your life blossom magically!(Higher Mind)
Yahyness Bkfnst's photo.

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